Last updated:

14th March 2024

Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs)

An Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) is a legal document for children and young people aged 0-25 who need more support than a mainstream nursery, school or college can provide. 

It describes all of your child’s special educational needs, the support they will need and the outcomes they want to achieve. It will also include any health and care support which relate to the child’s SEN. However you will not get a plan if your child only has health or social care needs that don’t affect their education. 

It is drawn up by the Local Authority following an EHC Needs Assessment and consultation with a range of professionals. It should be aspirational and forward looking, helping your child to be as independent as possible and to make progress towards their future ambitions for adulthood.

Read the Guide to Education, Health and Care Plans (PDF document) for full details

Watch an Education Health and Care Plan explanation video by the Council for Disabled Children.


The plan should:

  • Set out your views, your child’s views and their goals and aspirations for the future. 
  • Describe positively what they can do and what they have achieved so far. 
  • Clearly describe their needs and difficulties and the support required to meet those needs. 
  • Say what the child or young person will be able to do differently as a result of any additional help and support (outcomes). 
  • Be co-produced with you and your child and be clear, understandable and easy to read.