Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

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See notes

1. I was very interested to read about the proposed review of the future of your Shute End HQ offices. this begs a few vital questions:
a) who owns the building: Wokingham Borough Council own the Shute End building.
b) are you committed to a lease, if so when does this expire: See above. There is no lease.
c) what will happen to it if you leave: The Executive agreed on 28.09.2023 that if the Shute End building is no longer required for service use by the Council that it would be promoted for redevelopment for residential uses (see the Sites Promotion report considered by the Executive on 28th September 2023).
d) who owns the former M&S building where you might move to: The former M&S building is owned by Wokingham Borough Council. The Council purchased the building in 2017.
I appreciate that the review should answer these questions, but some of the basic facts such as ownership or lease could surely be given now.
e) Will the review be published and when?
Further information on the HQ relocation programme will be considered by the Executive in due course. I anticipate that the next update to Executive will be in the new year (2024).