Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000 to request information regarding the council's refuse collection vehicles, their storage and maintenance. Would you please provide the following:

1. Whether the council has a written policy, strategy, practice, order, direction or other document which sets out your policy on the storage, maintenance and upkeep of refuse collection vehicles. If the answer is affirmative, please provide a copy. If the service is out sourced, please provide the relevant contact details for the provider.
Veolia undertake this as it is outsourced:
Communications Department
Veolia UK
8th Floor
210 Pentonville Road
N1 9JY
Tel: +44(0)7721 238278

2. Please complete the attached table, in as much detail as possible, for each of the refuse collection vehicles currently in control of and procured by the council and in operation in your local authority.
This information would be held with Veolia