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Children without an Education Health and Care Plan
We are often asked to give advice about which schools would be suitable for a child. Parents should be aware that professionals working for Local Authorities are not permitted to suggest or recommend specific schools to any prospective pupil or their parents. However we should be able to give guidance about the different types of school, or if special school or resource is being considered we can inform you of which schools can meet which need.Children with Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs)
We are often asked to give advice about which schools would be suitable for a child. Parents should be aware that professionals working for Local Authorities are not permitted to suggest or recommend specific schools to any prospective pupil or their parents. However we should be able to give guidance about the different types of school, or if special school or resource is being considered we can inform you of which schools can meet which need.Choosing a school
We are often asked to give advice about which schools would be suitable for a child. Parents should be aware that professionals working for Local Authorities are not permitted to suggest or recommend specific schools to any prospective pupil or their parents. However we should be able to give guidance about the different types of school, or if special school or resource is being considered we can inform you of which schools can meet which need.
The Education Health and Care (EHC) Needs Assessment
The Education Health and Care (EHC) Needs Assessment process must be carried out in a timely manner and there are maximum time limits for each part of the process.Leaflets
We have a number of useful PDF documents on SEND topics
How we can help
We can support you from when you first have concerns that your child may have SEN through to requesting and maintaining an Education, Health and Care Plan.