We found 72 results
How to apply for an EHC assessment
An Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) is a legal document for children and young people aged 0-25 who need more support than a mainstream nursery, school or college can provide.SEN support in school and effective communication
Are you thinking of applying for an EHCP Needs Assessment, or have you just applied? This training will help you to understand the process and to participate fully.Preparing for adulthood - information sessions for parents
Are you thinking of applying for an EHCP Needs Assessment, or have you just applied? This training will help you to understand the process and to participate fully.Training sessions
Are you thinking of applying for an EHCP Needs Assessment, or have you just applied? This training will help you to understand the process and to participate fully.
Annual reviews - information sessions for parents
Are you thinking of applying for an EHCP Needs Assessment, or have you just applied? This training will help you to understand the process and to participate fully.Feedback, compliments and complaints
Feedback welcome
The SENDIASS service is a statutory service which is run at ‘arm’s length’ from the Special Educational Needs decision makers.